Why not me? Reflections on running sexual harassment workshops

Speaker: Pierre Brouard, CSA&G University of Pretoria
Date: 21 May 2019
Time: 14:30-16:00
Venue: Graduate Centre, Room 2-65, University of Pretoria, Hatfield Campus
RSVP: nombongo.shenxane@up.ac.za

This paper asks “Why not me”? When I am confronted with the daily indignities of (mostly) women, in the street, in the classroom, in the boardroom, and I have not examined my own behaviour as a man, should I ask “why not me”? When I see gender stereotypes and gender power plays in multiple contexts, and I don’t challenge them, should I ask “why not me”? When I think back on my experiences of harassment which I ignored, denied or felt too weary to challenge, because patriarchy is pervasive, should  I ask “why not me”? When I run a sexual harassment workshop as a man, and I am challenged about whether this is right, because men are complicit, can I ask “why not me”? Beyond “why not me”? the paper asks if sexual harassment work “works”, looks at the evidence and opens a debate on what an appropriate response to #MeToo could look like in 2019.

Pierre is the Deputy Director of the CSA&G and a registered Clinical Psychologist. He has worked in HIV since the mid 1980’s and at the CSA&G since 2001 as a manager, researcher, writer, facilitator and teacher. His interests include sexualities, gender, diversity, transformation and human rights.

IDAHOT panel discussion: Justice and Protection for All

Please join us for a panel discussion in celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia,Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT). The theme for this year, Justice and Protection for All, reminds us that over the past decades, protection of LGBTQI+ people and all people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions or sex characteristics has greatly expanded and this progress is well worth celebrating, but we must guard against complacency. 72 countries still criminalise same-sex sexual relations and even in SA, LGBTQI+ people still face
regular stigma and discrimination.

Discussion: Laws vs. Hearts and Minds: how is justice and protection for queer people best served?


  • Geoffrey Ogwaro – Centre for Human Rights
  • Moude Maodi-Swartz – OUT LGBT Wellbeing
  • Rudo Chigudu – Centre for Human Rights, and
  • Clara van Niekerk – UP & Out

Moderators: Pierre Brouard and Christi Kruger (CSA&G)

Date: 16 May 2018
Time: 12:30 – 14:00
Venue: Graduate Centre Room 1.57, University of Pretoria, Hatfield Campus