Entries by CSAG

Call for Applications: One-Year International Research and Advocacy Exchange

The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS, and Gender (CSA&G) at the University of Pretoria seeks two (2) participants to join a one-year international exchange focused on countering anti-rights forces impacting historically marginalised communities. This exchange, hosted in partnership with the Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH) in Norway and Colors Rainbow (CRB), a leading […]

Vulnerability and Protection: Revisiting Legal Definitions through Intersectionality and Sexual Citizenship

By Pfarelo Brandy Matsila and Hulisani Khorombi Introduction The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 2021 represents a crucial advancement in South Africa’s legal framework. It designed to provide enhanced protection to individuals who are vulnerable to sexual exploitation and violence. This Act plays a critical role in addressing sexual offences, particularly […]

Africa and Europe together for scientific research: the University of Pretoria is among the key players of the new Clusters of Research Excellence

The University of Pretoria, through the leadership of the ARUA Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (ARUA-SFS) is the co-proposer of a new university partnership on sustainable systems for food production, triggered by the collaboration between the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities (The Guild) and the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA). African and European […]

Youth Day upon us, youth issues under the rug

By Naledi Mpanza and Tshepi Raboroko As Youth Day is upon us, it is crucial to reflect on the pressing issues, faced by young people, which often go unaddressed or unrecognised by those in power. This cannot be more obvious, in the higher education space, than through the #FeesMustFall movement. It ripened in chambers and […]

Unpacking Hate Speech Targeting LGBTIQ+ Persons on Africa Day

The second session of the 2023 Pretoria-Marburg Queer Conversations took place on Africa Day, 25 May, in a joint effort by the Centre for Human Rights (CHR) and the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS, and Gender (CSA&G) at the University of Pretoria, along with the Center for Gender Studies and Feminist Futures (CGS) and the Center […]

“Joy is bringing your full and apologetic self forward and knowing that you are not wrong to exist”- Bev Ditsie during the 1st 2023 Pretoria-Marburg Queer Conversations

By Naledi Mpanza, Tamrin Slager & Alex Mailola On April 27, 2023, The Pretoria-Marburg Queer Conversations team hosted Dr Bev Ditsie in an online webinar titled ‘Where is the joy? Portrayals and Depictions of LGBTIQ+ Persons‘. The event took place on Freedom Day, which falls during International Lesbian Week of Visibility, and was well-attended by […]

Students take SAAW with a Bang!

By the JUST Leaders 2023 Research Cohort[1] From the 17-21 April the Centre for Sexualities AIDS and Gender, through the JUST Leaders programme, and the Transformation Office through its student cohort #SpeakOutUP commemorated Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) with a series of exciting and well-attended events and engagements under a week titled ‘Sexual Assault Awareness […]

Launch: Troubling cis(heteronormative) institutional practices through the paradigms of trans(formative) policy

The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender (CSA&G) attended the GDX (Gender Dynamix) Model Policy Framework (MPF) Launch colloquium which was held on 14 April 2023 at the Neville Alexander Lecture Theatre at the University of Cape Town. The theme of the launch was “Troubling cis(heteronormative) institutional practices through the paradigms of trans(formative) policy”. This […]