Entries by CSAG

Centre for Human Rights (CHR) and Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender (CSA&G) condemn the passing of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill

The Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of law, University of Pretoria (CHR) and the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS, and Gender, University of Pretoria (CSA&G) condemn the passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill by the Parliament of Uganda on 21 March 2023. The organisations are adding their voice to the many human rights organisations and groups calling […]

Just Leaders volunteers represent CSA&G at Southern Africa Regional Students and Youth Consortium Conference in Malawi

By Naledi Mpanza & Hulisani Khorombi The 4th Southern Africa Regional Students and Youth Consortium (SARSYC) Conference convened by SAY WHAT and hosted by the Lilongwe University of Agricultural and Natural Resources (LUANR) took place from 24-26 August at Sunbird Capital Hotel in Lilongwe, Malawi. The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender (CSA&G) was represented […]

The CSA&G’s founding director: Mary Crewe

The Centre for the Study of AIDS was founded in 1999, by Mary Crewe, after discussions with the Rector of the University of Pretoria (UP). The main question was how a university of the size and magnitude of Pretoria would cope with an epidemic of the size and complexity of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It was […]

The Erecting of Nehanda

by Tinashe Mawere  Please note: This is part of a longer draft paper “In search of a curved Nehanda” in which I focus on the Mbuya Nehanda statue and its impacts on the recognition and (re)positioning of women. I show how the erection of the statue is a continuation of the grand nationalist-patriarchal version of […]

CSA&G welcomes new director: Prof Rebecca Hodes

The Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender (CSA&G) at the University of Pretoria (UP) is pleased to announce the appointment of our new Director, Prof Rebecca Hodes, with effect from 1 August 2021. This follows the retirement of our founding Director, Mary Crewe, in 2020. Rebecca Hodes (D.Phil, Oxon) is a medical historian. While directing […]

The Zimbabwean National Heroine: (Re)reading Nationalism, Gender and Sexuality

by Tinashe Mawere Introduction: Zimbabwean nationalism and gendered identities Broadly, the literature of nations and nationalism neglects the question of gender (Walby 1997) while nation-gender theories still lack the impetus to provide a comprehensive analysis of how the complex interrelations of gender and nation add to the (re)production of nationalism (Smith 1998) as well as […]

Gendering the Bun in the Oven: Gender Reveal Parties and their Impacts

By Vickashnee Nair (2021)[i] Exploring the phenomenon of ‘gender reveal parties’ on Google and social media platforms quickly immerses audiences in overwhelming seas of blue and pink. The ‘gender reveal’ trend is replete with gender stereotypes, creating a spectacle of gender performance where expectant couples (most commonly middle-upper class and heterosexually-identified) take centre stage in […]

Old Ways, New Times

by Shalate Belinda Pakati “Women need to understand that it’s okay for a married man to be in a sexual relationship with more than one woman” … Hearing a woman say this on a radio show recently made me feel very angry. I was also confused about what she was suggesting with these words…I found […]

Our home and our mother: The gendering of nature in climate change discourses

By Tinashe Mawere, Henri-Count Evans & Rosemary Musvipwa Introduction: Re/thinking climate change Gendered scripts, gendered identities and gendered hierarchies are evident in the everyday. Gender is not inborn, but is procreated; and gendered meanings are made practical and visible through performances of the mundane (Butler 1988; Beauvoir 2010). Climate change has become an everyday discourse from […]