Entries by CSAG

SOCIAL DIS – EASE: A reflection

Excerpt from a forthcoming CSA&G monograph by Mary Crewe Folks, we either have a country or we don’t[1] Earlier in 2020, Paul Simon recorded from isolation, American Tune for Til Further Notice 03/19/2020: I don’t know a soul who’s not been battered I don’t know a friend who feels at ease I don’t know a dream […]

When losing means everything and nothing

by Pierre Brouard I have been having contradictory feelings about loss and Covid-19. On the one hand there is a sense that the virus has caused so many losses. Not only the obvious loss of life, or the losses of economic and other forms of certainty (noting certainty is ephemeral anyway), or the loss of […]

Shame on you, shame on me: a pandemic of shame

by Pierre Brouard More than ever, as we grapple with a virus which is causing so much fear, shame is a key tool for social control, and an often dangerous one. This was certainly true for the Polish professor with Covid-19, Wojciech Rokita.[1] Rumours had spread – both online and in local media – that […]

Challenges of making the change to working from home and isolating

by Vickashnee Nair The roads are ghostly, not a single pedestrian or car. This is an odd sight and sound for me as usually these roads are bustling with honking cars with differing ideas of how a traffic circle works. I miss the chattering of women walking by, holding packets full of groceries with small […]

Leadership during Covid-19

By Vickashnee Nair What makes a person a leader is complex, especially during crises such as the one we all face at this point in history. Why leadership matters now In these times, leaders can seek to emerge, and those that have been longstanding leaders are tested. This goes beyond the obvious examples of presidents, […]

Reflections on what I do at the CSA&G – Vuyisa Mamanzi

By Vuyisa Mamanzi My background I grew up in Gugulethu, a township located just outside Cape Town. I obtained my undergraduate and postgraduate education at the University of the Western Cape. I completed my honours degree in Anthropology and my research project looked at unemployment and its impact on being a ‘real man’: A study […]

#MenAreTrash vs. #NotAllMen

by Martin Mushomba I am studying for a Masters in Medicinal Plant Sciences at the University of Pretoria. I joined the Just Leaders programme at the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender mainly because I wanted to learn more about social justice. I am part of the student research cohort. And, I wrote this opinion […]