Just leaders logoJust Leaders is a flagship CSA&G volunteer and leadership development programme. The programme evolved from the CSA&G’s previous Future Leaders @ Work programme and endeavours to build a movement of active citizen student leaders that promote social justice, critical consciousness and inclusive practices at the University of Pretoria and supporting similar movements at partner universities in the region.

Just Leaders’ theory of change is: “Through promoting social justice, critical consciousness and inclusive practices, we will co-create university environments that are responsive and transformed by just leaders.”

Just Leaders has the following key focus areas:

  • Conducting and disseminating research that contribute to more inclusive societies and university spaces
  • Ensuring the inclusion of marginalised groups and identities is improved
  • Developing just leaders that build stronger socially just communities that will in turn improve access to inclusive university environments

Just Leaders is available on Facebook and Twitter.

Just Leadership is made up by five project components (click on the red circles below for more information):