Reflecting on my time at the CSA&G – Chris Joubert

by Chris Joubert Back in 2014 when my friend told me about the CSA&G volunteer training he was doing, I saw it as a pointless distraction. A few weeks later, we both had a large gap between our classes, and he had to attend a catch-up session at the Centre. I went with him to this […]

SOCIAL DIS – EASE: A reflection

Excerpt from a forthcoming CSA&G monograph by Mary Crewe Folks, we either have a country or we don’t[1] Earlier in 2020, Paul Simon recorded from isolation, American Tune for Til Further Notice 03/19/2020: I don’t know a soul who’s not been battered I don’t know a friend who feels at ease I don’t know a dream […]

When losing means everything and nothing

by Pierre Brouard I have been having contradictory feelings about loss and Covid-19. On the one hand there is a sense that the virus has caused so many losses. Not only the obvious loss of life, or the losses of economic and other forms of certainty (noting certainty is ephemeral anyway), or the loss of […]