Uniting against the common enemy: Covid-19 and South Africa’s militarised nationhood
By Tinashe Mawere The “Thuma Mina moment”: A nation ready for war The discourse of war – national unity, resistance, defence and victory have characterised President Cyril Ramaphosa’s public speeches in the wake of the fast spreading and deadly global pandemic, Corona virus, Covid-19. Coming late on the basis of wide consultations, invitation of various […]
The Covid-19 pandemic: Re/making common knowledges and common spaces
Text by Tinashe Mawere Banter(ing) the Lockdown and gender scripts Gender scripts and gendered identities are always evident in the everyday. Butler (1988) argues that gendered meanings are made practical and visible through performances of the everyday. Rather than re/locating gender discourses as abstract and located in a world farfetched, it is important that we […]
Theorising in the thrall of a pandemic
by Pierre Brouard Is it possible to have theory in an epidemic? Paula Treichler asked in the early years of AIDS. In an essay, AIDS, Homophobia, and Biomedical Discourse: An Epidemic of Signification, Treichler argued that “AIDS is not merely an invented label, provided to us by science and scientific naming practices, for a clear-cut […]