Old Ways, New Times
by Shalate Belinda Pakati “Women need to understand that it’s okay for a married man to be in a sexual relationship with more than one woman” … Hearing a woman say this on a radio show recently made me feel very angry. I was also confused about what she was suggesting with these words…I found […]
Our home and our mother: The gendering of nature in climate change discourses
By Tinashe Mawere, Henri-Count Evans & Rosemary Musvipwa Introduction: Re/thinking climate change Gendered scripts, gendered identities and gendered hierarchies are evident in the everyday. Gender is not inborn, but is procreated; and gendered meanings are made practical and visible through performances of the mundane (Butler 1988; Beauvoir 2010). Climate change has become an everyday discourse from […]
What AIDS epidemic? – a World AIDS Day message from the CSA&G
Next year it will be forty years since the first stories of a new illness, seemingly only affecting gay men in New York, started to circulate. It was called GRID then – gay related immune deficiency – a grim reminder that conflating sexual orientation, morality and disease was second nature to society. Later, we came […]