
IDAHOT panel discussion: Justice and Protection for All

Please join us for a panel discussion in celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia,Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT). The theme for this year, Justice and Protection for All, reminds us that over the past decades, protection of LGBTQI+ people and all people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions or sex characteristics has greatly expanded and this progress is well worth celebrating, but we must guard against complacency. 72 countries still criminalise same-sex sexual relations and even in SA, LGBTQI+ people still face
regular stigma and discrimination.

Discussion: Laws vs. Hearts and Minds: how is justice and protection for queer people best served?


  • Geoffrey Ogwaro – Centre for Human Rights
  • Moude Maodi-Swartz – OUT LGBT Wellbeing
  • Rudo Chigudu – Centre for Human Rights, and
  • Clara van Niekerk – UP & Out

Moderators: Pierre Brouard and Christi Kruger (CSA&G)

Date: 16 May 2018
Time: 12:30 – 14:00
Venue: Graduate Centre Room 1.57, University of Pretoria, Hatfield Campus




Worldwide LGBT organisations select “Alliances for Solidarity” as 2018 global theme

Every year the global community of sexual and gender minorities identifies one specific focus issue for the celebrations around May 17th.

This focus issue is of course only a suggestion and it is left for everyone to see how this is relevant for their strategiesThis year, the proposal is to focus attention on ALLIANCES for SOLIDARITYIndeed, no battle can be won in isolation.

We all need to keep strengthening alliances, especially when we need to ensure safety, fight violence, lobby for legal change, and/or campaign to change hearts and minds.

Putting the focus of the Day on Solidarity and Alliances can create a valuable opportunity for all of us to reach out to our current partners to reinforce our bond, to reach out to new partners to raise awareness of our commonalities, and to engage in collective action around the Day.This focus should also be a welcome reminder of the need for solidarity within the communities of sexual and gender minorities, as the rights of one specific group cannot be solidly secured if the rights of other groups are left unchallenged.

The focus on alliances should also highlight the necessity for sexual and gender minorities to be allies to other vulnerable groups (e.g. migrants, people living in poverty, vulnerable children, etc.).

For more information go to: